Thursday, November 16, 2006

The sandy shores of Maui

It was a long time getting here. Not all the work and time prior to the trip, the actual event of travelling to this island. I travelled through four airports, two baggage checks, and 3 seats that flat out weren't designed for me. I particularly enjoyed the crossing of the International Date Line, which allowed me to arrive in Maui 6hrs before I left Melbourne. Lost a Wednesday when I flew to Melbourne, and had a 46 hr long Tuesday when I returned from there.

First impressions of Maui is that it is everything everyone has ever said it was. In a word, Paradise. The volcano behind me, as I type this, is majestic and beautiful, which is hard to ascribe to something that was born in the most violently desctructive way imaginable. But it is possibly the most beautiful backdrop to the area that I could imagine.

This afternoon, I'll be driving the 5 miles up to Ka'anapali Beach, widely accepted as the best beach in all of Hawaii. My lengthly and detailed plans for the day consist of applying sunscreen and sleeping on said beach for at least 4 hours. Also, the town of Ka'anapali is home to some of the restaurants recommended to me by friends in Seattle, so I will attempt to visit some of them.

All in all, I expect this vacation to be every bit as restful and memorable as I hoped it would be. The scenery couldn't be better. The locals are very friendly. The food is simple and tasty.

Last night, after eating a tasty Cheeseburger in Paradise, I walked up the street stopping in many of the art galleries that line the street. The works there were amazing, and unsurprisingly some of them were verrrry expensive. Son of my parents, the ones that most appealled to me were of course the ones that all cost at least $50,000. Won't be hanging any of them on my wall any time soon, but at least i have a good eye for art.


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