Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Additional site security

I have been working some late nights lately, and when I leave, it's quite dark here. To leave the site, everyone must walk through a narrow path in front of the main security office, and this path is bordered by first a steel handrail, then a hedge.

So as I am walking up the path last night, minding my own business, I look up, and am greeted by a small pair of beady, curious, brown eyes. Perched on the handrail was a brush-tailed possum, who was quite interested to know what i was about. Didn't seem afraid of me at all. When i asked about him, I was told he has moved into the Hedge, and subsequently been adopted by the security guards. So now, he occasionally peeks out at who is coming up the path.

My first encounter with the local fauna. I was amused.


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