Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Winter Wonderland

Ah, The Equator. So far away, and yet still you make your presence felt. I'm sitting in a country that is nominally in the throes of winter, experiencing the worst weather it is likely to get all year. I'm at about 37S latitude, which is roughly the same south as San francisco is North. But oh, do they have it figured out down here.

Today the high will be 20C (68F). and it's the dead of winter. The weather will only improve from here on out, which means that my five minute walk to the beach will soon include a surfboard. Nothing says "waking up and getting ready for work" like an hour of surfing at sunrise.

I've also joined a gym, which overlooks that very same beach. Going to soon be back into my install routine which is Work, Work, Work, Gym, Pasta, and party on weekends. Going to be fun. And Maui is just around the corner.

Also, this weekend is the last regular season game of the AFL, which is the Australian Football League, and then next weekend begins the 4 week playoffs. I'm already hooked on this sport, and for $20 general admission, you can't beat it for a weekend's worth of entertainment. I just hope there's a lot of local games.


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